Hi, I'm Suzie Kim

Hello! I'm Suzie Kim, a Sydney-based software engineer with over four years of experience specializing in front-end development. My career has been driven by a love for learning and creating new things. What excites me about coding is the perpetual opportunity to learn; it's never been easier to integrate new discoveries into our daily lives. Plus, it's incredibly fun! My journey has equipped me with the knowledge and skills to work effectively, create impactful products, collaborate with teams, schedule timelines, and break projects down into manageable sprints. Now, I'm passionate about bringing visions to life in the digital world, including my own. Let's create something amazing together.

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Begin the Journey

My European backpacking adventure in search of direction led me to the stunning city of Prague. The beauty of the city convinced me to stay, and a fortuitous meeting with a developer at a travel agency ignited my passion for development. This marked the beginning of my journey as an engineer, where I started to learn and grow in the tech field, setting the foundation for my future career.

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Seoul, Korea

In Seoul, I embarked on my professional journey as a developer, securing my first job and dedicating three years to the craft. At Bank Salad, a pioneering Seoul-based fintech company, I honed my skills as the team's sole front-end developer. My tenure involved working on pivotal projects and collaborating closely with the team, shaping my expertise and work ethic in the bustling heart of South Korea.

Sydney, Australia

Seeking new adventures and challenges, I moved to Sydney, where I joined Bill, an American company with a local branch. As a software engineer, I played a key role in developing their invoice system, leveraging my skills and experiences to make a significant impact. Now, at a turning point in my career, I'm poised to transition from my role at the company to embrace the freedom and possibilities of becoming a solo trader (freelancer engineer), ready to explore new opportunities in this dynamic city.

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Let's Connect!

Struggle with building an web service? Have a fun idea you want to realise on? Hit me up on LinkedIn or send me an email with the details. See you there!